Added Benefits

What sets Resume4Lyfe apart

Because of our staffing background, we have experience and technology to match candidates to companies in many industries.  When we identify your qualifications, skills and career goals, we know what to do!  

After we complete your resume and have a clear understanding of your areas of expertise, as well as the industries that you are seeking, we may be able to locate that career that would be hard for you to find on your own. We have the expertise to speak directly to the hiring managers. Our professionals know how to present your resume with high probability for an interview.

If you would like to take advantage of this added benefit, simply complete the authorization form. We will contact you prior to starting the matching process to verify that you are still available (or) wish to move from your current position.  Remember, this is something that we have done for years and have the “know-how” to present you in a way that will open doors for interviews and ultimately, a job offer.

This is a great benefit because there is no fee charged until you are interviewed and hired by the company where you were matched and presented by us. Once hired, you will pay the additional one-time authorized fee of $250.

Our staff member will work with you during the introduction, interview and job offer, to answer any questions or utilize our coaching expertise.  Our professional staff can guide you through the interview process to optimize the chances for an offer, and through the salary negotiation, to optimize the hiring package offer.

It is that simple.  You have nothing to lose in using our added expertise.  We will be happy to discuss this in detail with you at any time.