Our Focus is on you...

to help you reach your career goal and assist you with your resume for LIFE!

Proven Experience

Recruiters, Human Resource Professionals, Career Counselors and Hiring Managers from diverse industries


People is the foundation of a good company

At Resume4lyfe, we believe that the foundation of any good company begins with its people.  Our mission is to assist our clients in building a solid resume reflecting each person’s unique qualities and career goals.   We accomplish this by building a relationship with our clients, to understand their strengths and produce a resume that is effective in leading to a career goal.  This is always accomplished through honesty, integrity and efficiency.

Think About This

When your resume looks professional, you are far more likely to be considered for an interview.   When you have an interview, you are far more likely to land the job. 

A lot of companies now use an “Applicant Tracking System”, often known as ATS.  This means that they scan your resume trying to identify specific keywords and phrases that appear in their job qualification.  If the ATS system does not pick up those phrases or words, you will automatically be omitted from further consideration. 

Because Resume4lyfe is familiar with what many of the clients are looking for, we can tailor your resume so that you get past that first level and have your resume reviewed by an actual person.  In some cases, that person is one who conducts the personal interview.